declare(strict_types = 1);
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Yasumi\Holiday;

/* On Call Ticket Notification Script */
$oncall = new oncall();
if (!$this->notify) {
$table = $oncall->buildMattermostTable();
if ($table) {

//email($item, $contact);

 * The class that does all the magic.
class oncall {

   * Are we in debug mode?
   * @var bool
  private $debugMode = FALSE;

   * A flag to indicate that everyone should be notified.
   * @var bool
  private $everyone = FALSE;

   * The URL of the Redmine install.
   * @var string
  private $baseUrl;

   * The Redmine API key.
   * @var string
  private $apiKey;

   * An array containing queries we want to run, with a label as a key.
   * @var array
  private $queries;

   * An array of the query results from Redmine.  Key is the query label.
   * @var array
  private $queryResults = [];

   * The email of the person on call.
   * @var string;
  private $email;

   * A flag of whether Mattermost should be contacted.
   * @var bool
  private $notify;

  public function __construct() {
    // Load the .env file
    $dotenv = Dotenv\Dotenv::createImmutable(__DIR__);

    // Debug Mode will show more information.
    $this->debugMode = (bool) getenv('DEBUG_MODE');
    $this->baseUrl = getenv('REDMINE_URL');
    $this->apiKey = getenv('KEY');

    $this->queries = [
      'New Support Tickets' => 'https://hq.megaphonetech.com/issues.json?query_id=17&key=7ebe204bef5804f4effb9b4160a295487dde15f1',
      'New Maintenance Tickets' => 'https://hq.megaphonetech.com/issues.json?query_id=18&key=7ebe204bef5804f4effb9b4160a295487dde15f1',

   * Add the number of minutes since a ticket was created.
   * Also set the everyone and notify flags if necessary.
   * @return int
  private function calculateMinutes(array $item) {
    // find the time since the ticket was created
    $created = $item['created_on'];
    $time = strtotime("$created");
    $time_difference = strtotime('now') - $time;

    // put it into minutes
    $td_min = (int) ($time_difference / 60);

    // Flag if any items are overdue.
    if ($td_min > 60) {
      $this->everyone = TRUE;
    if ($td_min < 3 || ($td_min >= 30 || $td_min < 33)) {
      $this->notify = TRUE;
    return $td_min;

   * Get items from Redmine.
  public function retrieveItems() {
    foreach ($this->queries as $title => $url) {
      // get the contents of the query in a usable format
      $json = json_decode(file_get_contents($url), TRUE);
      // if the query has any results
      if (!empty($json)) {
        // go through this loop for each ticket found
        foreach ($json['issues'] as $k => $item) {
          $item['minutes'] = $this->calculateMinutes($item);
          $this->queryResults[$title][] = $item;

   * Render the $items property in Markdown.
   * @return string
  public function buildMattermostTable() {
    $table = '';
    foreach ($this->queryResults as $label => $queryResult) {

      //Add header row
      $table .= "\n### $label\n";
      $table .= "| Issue  | Project  | Author | Subject | Minutes Elapsed |\n| :----- | :------- | :----- | :-------| ----: |\n";
      foreach ($queryResult as $item) {
        $table .= "| [{$item['id']}](https://hq.megaphonetech.com/issues/{$item['id']}) ";
        $table .= "| {$item['project']['name']} ";
        $table .= "| {$item['author']['name']} ";
        $table .= "| {$item['subject']} ";
        $table .= "| {$item['minutes']} ";
        $table .= "|\n";
    return $table;

  public function sendToMattermost($table) {
    $mattermostName = $this->findMattermostName();
    $url = 'https://chat.civicrm.org/hooks/4d7wtzzmj3rjmqpjg9z9nfqwjo';
    $data['channel'] = 'Megaphone';
    $data['username'] = 'megaphone-bot';
    $data['icon_url'] = 'http://oncall.megaphonetech.com/oncallbot.jpg';
    $data['text'] = "@$mattermostName\n\n$table";
    $json = json_encode($data);

    // use key 'http' even if you send the request to https://...
    $options = [
      'http' => [
        'header'  => "Content-type: application/json\r\n",
        'method'  => 'POST',
        'content' => $json,
    $context  = stream_context_create($options);
    $result = file_get_contents($url, FALSE, $context);
    if ($result === FALSE) {

   * Return a Mattermost name from email, or "@channel" if there's an everyone ticket.
   * @return string
  private function findMattermostName() {
    if ($this->everyone) {
      return 'channel';
    // Check users.csv column 1 for email; return column 2 if it matches.
    if (($handle = fopen(__DIR__ . "/users.csv", "r")) !== FALSE) {
      while (($data = fgetcsv($handle, 1000, ",")) !== FALSE) {
        if ($data[0] == $this->email) {
          return $data[1];
    return '';

  public function setEmail() {
    // path to file containing email of person on call
    $contactfile = './contact.txt';
    // set the email of the person on call
    $this->email = trim(file_get_contents("$contactfile"));

   * Checks whether we're responsible for on-call on this date and time.
  public function dateAndTimeCheck() {
    $today = new DateTime();
    $thisYear = (int) $today->format('Y');
    $thisHour = (int) $today->format('H');

    // Time check.
    if ($thisHour < 10 || $thisHour > 20) {
      // After hours.

    $holidays = Yasumi\Yasumi::create('USA', $thisYear);
    $holidays->addHoliday(new Holiday('indigenousPeoplesDay', [
      'en' => 'Indigenous People\'s Day',
    ], new DateTime("second monday of october $thisYear", new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'))));
    $holidays->addHoliday(new Holiday('dayAfterThanksgiving', [
      'en' => 'Day After Thanksgiving',
    ], new DateTime("fourth friday of november $thisYear", new DateTimeZone('America/New_York'))));

    // Is today a holiday?
    if ($holidays->isHoliday($today)) {
      $this->everyone = TRUE;
      $todaysHoliday = $holidays->on($today);
      $holidayName = $todaysHoliday->getName();
      $this->sendToMattermost("Happy $holidayName Megaphone Tech!  There is no on-call today.");
    // Don't do anything else if it's a holiday or weekend.
    if (!$holidays->isWorkingDay($today)) {


 * Send an email for this item.
function email($item, $contact) {
  // if it's been an hour, email everyone instead
  if ($item['minutes'] > 60) {
    $contact = 'team@megaphonetech.com';

  // if it's been 25 minutes, make an email
  if ($item['minutes'] > 0) {

    // email body
    $email = "New issue to attend to:" . "\n";
    $email .= "\n";
    $email .= "Project: " . $item['project']['name'] . "\n";
    $email .= "Author: " . $item['author']['name'] . "\n";
    $email .= "Subject: " . $item['subject'] . "\n";
    $email .= "\n";
    $email .= $item['description'] . "\n";
    $email .= "\n";
    $email .= "Ticket created {$item['minutes']} minutes ago";
    $email .= "\n";
    $email .= 'https://hq.megaphonetech.com/issues/' . $item['id'] . "\n";
    $email .= "\n";

    // email headers
    $to      = $contact;
    $subject = "[#{$item['id']}]";
    $message = $email;
    $headers = 'From: support@megaphonetech.com' . "\r\n" .
    'Reply-To: support@megaphonetech.com' . "\r\n" .
    'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion();

    // send email
    mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
