46 lines
1.7 KiB
46 lines
1.7 KiB
{if $action eq 1 or $action eq 2 or $action eq 8}
{include file="CRM/AddressFormat/Form/Address.tpl"}
<div class="help">
<p>{ts}CiviCRM lets you store multiple postal addFormatress formats, so you can set it to the preferred format of your country{/ts}</p>
<div class="crm-content-block crm-block">
{if $rows}
<div id="ltype">
<div class="form-item">
{include file="CRM/common/jsortable.tpl"}
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" class="row-highlight">
<thead class="sticky">
<th>{ts}Address Format{/ts}</th>
{foreach from=$rows item=row}
<tr id="address_formats-{$row.id}" class="crm-entity {cycle values="odd-row,even-row"} {$row.class}">
<td class="crm-editable" data-field="format" data-type="textarea">{$row.format}</td>
<div class="messages status no-popup">
<div class="icon inform-icon"></div>
{ts}None found.{/ts}
{if $action ne 1 and $action ne 2}
<div class="action-link">
{crmButton q="action=add&reset=1" id="newFAddressType" icon="plus-circle"}{ts}Add Address Format{/ts}{/crmButton}
{crmButton p="civicrm/admin" q="reset=1" class="cancel" icon="times"}{ts}Done{/ts}{/crmButton}